Who we are
Mission Statement
Therefore, our goals are to:
Raise up ambassadors of Christ in market places, neighbourhood, campuses & schools.
Foster an open home in every ROD family.
Equip every person to function.
Inspire indigenous servant leadership.

Vision Statement
ROD is a family that instills intrinsic value, equips and empowers every individual wholistically in order to reach their destiny and fulfil God’s kingdom mandate to influence the nations. In keeping with which we envision the following:
Making Jesus known in the neighbourhood, market place, campus, and home.
Introducing the unchurched – irrespective of caste, creed or religion to an ‘Acts 2’ model church lifestyle.
Restoring the intrinsic value of each individual and bringing those broken into families.
Training servant leaders to lead in life groups, youth groups, outreach cells, weekly meetings, church planting, senior team leads etc. Empowering disciples to rescue the lost in Chennai city, urban & rural India and the nations.
Rebuilding broken lives through community reach and acts of kindness.
Restoring the kingdom of God in the arena of arts, media, sports, education (for instance, value education in schools through ‘Proteen’) and government services (influencing the nation through civil services).
Sending our valiant men and women across the borders of the state and nation as church planters.
Connecting individuals to large and small connectivity points.
Equipping every person to discover their God-given potential and mature wholistically through tailor-made programmes.
Discipling many spiritual sons & daughters who love God first.
Providing exposure to Kingdom work through mission and exposure trips.