These are hubs which help the individual to be nurtured and grow. A typical meeting would start with an ice-breaker, followed by informal participatory worship, testimonies and practical application of the Word. Praying together is an important part of cells because we believe and have seen answer to our prayers. And finally, how can any ROD get-together finish without food!

Note: Apart from Cells we gather other times for Prayer & Intercession to see God move in our midst. In addition, each cell is involved in Acts of Kindness once a month. Thus we balance inward focus with the outward.

ROD City Church

The Edge Arumbakkam

CLUB Infinity



ROD Community Church

Friday Cell: Coral Cascade, Pallikarnai

Youth Cell: Kamakoti Nagar, Pallikarnai
1PM, Every Sunday along with lunch
Contact : Brightson – +919962240761

The Stronghold Fellowship

Youth cell: Sunday afternoon
Contact: Samuel – +918056099533

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